Children's Work

Update On The Children's Work

We are currently recruiting new Volunteers for the Creche and EHC Stars – please see Jenny or Pastor Scott if you can help. We currently only have the capacity to run EHC Stars bi-weekly. Our desire is to offer this work every week so the more volunteers we have to help will help us achieve our aim of a weekly EHC Stars group. We believe it is important to provide children a platform to learn and enjoy the bible and the things of God. We will be exploring the parables of Jesus through interactive and fun ways, led by DBS-checked workers who are dedicated to furthering of our children's experience of God through His Holy Spirit here at Elim Hope Church. 

During the Service

We would please encourage you to sit with your children as a family/adult in the main church, to enable them to see and experience worship for themselves. Please help the children to stay out of the kitchen (the urns are boiling hot) and avoid walking in front of (or on!) the stage (lots of wires and electrical hazards).

EHC Stars – for children aged Primary School +

At around 11:15 am, our team will be ready to receive the children upstairs, but it will be either announced upstairs or via an announcement through the main screens. 
We will then bring the children back down at the end – please collect them from the Children’s Corner before the Service ends.


Creche – all Pre-Primary children

We are starting a rota of creche helpers and creche will be open from approx. 11-11:15 am to the end of the service – we will signal this as above. At other times Pre-Primary children are welcome to play in the room but must be supervised by an adult and not left unattended.

Please continue to pray for the children's and creche team as they serve our children and the church.

Sunday 23rd February
10:30am - 12:00pm -
Wednesday 26th February
9:00am - 11:00am -
Sunday 2nd March
10:30am - 12:00pm -
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